
Dracula is a minor character created for the Darkstalkers TV series by Graz Entertainment. He is a shogan who was considered by Bishamon a traiterous man.

About Yonbbi[]

Considered a traiterous man by Bishamon, as according to him, he made a deal with the evil kami demons to make the evil sword Bishamon now carries, which locked him into the bell which he was seen trapped in until Out of the Dark, never see to his wife again until much later.



Darkstalkers cast
Main cast
AnitaAnakarisBaby Bonnie HoodBishamonDeeDemitri MaximoffDonovan BaineFeliciaHsien-KoHuitzil
Jedah Dohma Jon TalbainLilithLord RaptorMorrigan AenslandPyronQ-BeeRikuoSasquatch
Victor von Gerdenheim
Secondary cast
Belial AenslandDark TalbainLe MaltaMarionetteMei-LingOboro BishamonOzomShadow
Other cast
Anita's parentsBaraba
Cartoon characters
Arnold SchwarzeneggerAtlantian AmbassadorComputerDirectorDraculaDragonElijah Grimoire & MerlinHairballHarry GrimoireHendrick FarrIrving I. IrvingKlaus SchmendrickLexLily LemayMarshallMorgan le FayMrs. GrimoireTerramonWarriors of Ancient ScotlandYonobiZunayoshi
Anime OVA characters
Manga/Manhua/Comic characters
DeeresHeinrich BauerJackJohn StatelyMajorette/Thomas