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====Basic moves====
* ''Die!''
* ''Kneel!''
* ''Fool!''
* ''Rip apart!''
====Iro Spinta====
====Iro Spinta====
* ''Eviscerate!''
* ''Eviscerate!''

Revision as of 17:16, 18 October 2017

Darkstalkers 3

Main Template Bat Main article: Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers 3 Jedah Winning Portrait
  • "I am the first and only ruler of this trivial planet!"

Vampire Savior

Jedah's winquotes are mostly consistent across Japanese and English, with only modifications to fit letter limits, or to make more sense in English. Only one does not have a true English equivalent. Most of the quotes listed here becomes his introduction quotes in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.

Original quote Translation from Japanese In English / English equivalent
"詩人の憂いは永久の闇との邂逅 つまりは、そういうことだ" "A poet's greatest fear is his inevitable encounter with the eternal darkness." "A poet's trouble comes from meeting with eternal darkness."
"自分で言うのもおこがましいが 私は聡明なのだ……あきれるほどに" "At the risk of sounding immodest, I must confess I am a being of great superiority." "I'm sorry, but I'm so sagacious, it's almost scary."
"「死」によってのみ救済される命 矛盾ではない、論理的帰結だ" "Death is life's only salvation That is no paradox... it is simply the logical conclusion." "Your soul can only be saved by death. It doesn't contradict!"
"ところで君は知っているかね?真理にそむく愚者の哀れな末路を" "Do you know what happens to fools who turn away from the truth?" "Do you understand the fate of the fools who betrayed the truth?"
"雑誌の懸賞に当たるよりも簡単だ この私の真意を理解するのはね" "Guessing my intentions is easier than winning some magazine sweepstakes." "Understanding my intentions will give you the final prize."
"偽善?違うね そもそも万物に善悪の区別など無い" "Hypocrite? Hardly. Enlightened beings such as myself realize that there are no such things as 'good' and 'evil'" "Hypocrisy? No it's not. There's no good or evil."
"ただ死に向かうだけの生命なら せめて我がためにささげるが良い" "If your life is but a path leading you to death, why not give your life up to my service?" "If your soul exists to perish, grant it to me..."
"奇跡の信者は大勢居るが 君は確率ゼロの勝機を欲するのかね" "I have met many souls that believe in miracles, but you.. you are pursuing a victory in the bleakest of circumstances" "Many believe in miracles, but you'll need more than that!"
言いたいことは解るよ 希望にそえぬのは残念だが "I understand what you are trying to say, but I shall not grant you your desire." "I understand your opinion. I just don't care about it..."
"ああ、ひとつ言い忘れていたよ 君と話すのもこれが最後だ、とね" "Oh, before I forget... this will be the last time I ever speak with you." "Ah, I forgot to tell you... It's game over for you!"
"闇という存在……母の懐にも似た その包容力に安堵したまえ" "This thing you call shadow, is it like a mother's blossom... rest now, in its eternally warm embrace." "Darkness... It holds you in peace, like your mom's arms."
"理解し、実践する……崇高な理念の 持ち主にのみ許される生産的行為だ" "The path of learning and doing.. it is something that is only available to those who live by a noble philosophy." "To know and practice, a productive deed for a noble."
"感性のリビドーが質的崩壊により パライソに達する……わかるね?" "The sensitive libido leads you to the paradise through qualitative collapse... do you understand?" "Libido of sensitivity reaches paraisso... get it?"
"心静かに待ちたまえ 死への旅立ちを望む者よ" "Traveler... wait quietly. Your journey towards death will begin momentarily." "Wait peacefully for your journey to death."
"勝利とは?存在とは?君たちには永遠に不要のテーゼだ" "What is victory? What is existence? You will never have the chance to contemplate these questions." "True victory? True existence? You know nothing."
"たとえるなら、そう 嵐の前に咲いた可憐な花一輪……" "You are like a rare and beautiful flower that has blossomed on the very night before a deadly storm." N/A

Capcom Fighting Jam

Capcom Fighting Evolution Jedah
  • "Death is the only constant in this universe."
  • "Look within yourself for the reasons behind your defeat."
  • "Whining is a waste of time. And time is a precious commodity to mortals."
  • "I embrace that which negates existence."
  • "The passage of time provides no solace to the loser."
  • "Don't be so quick to deem yourself the winner because merely you're still alive."
  • "Forget all that you know is true, for my new world is about to be born."
  • "Feeling regretful? I'm afraid I have no idea how that emotion feel."

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

Jedah MvCI

Voice acting in this game is similar to earlier 3D Capcom titles, where English is the only audio available. This may change in subsequent revisions of the game.

Character Select

  • "I am the beginning and the end!" (picked first)
  • "Let us gather souls together!" or "Follower, I welcome you." (picked second)
  • Our goals are not so dissimilar. (picked second)
  • "Prove yourself, daughter of Belial!" (picked second with Morrigan)


  • "Do you understand the fate of fools who betray the truth?" *
  • "My salvation is the answer to all your prayers."
  • "Your power is great. But it lacks true purpose."
  • "My power is truly greater."
  • "Your are like a delicate rose blooming moments before the storm." (to female characters) *
  • "Are you a god? That should make things easier." (to Thor?)
  • "It's you again. *sigh* You never learn, son of Sparda." (to Dante)
  • "How can I be hypocrite if good and evil do not exist?" *
  • "I assure you, I won't betray you... at least here."
  • "Grant me access to the power of creation and destruction!"
  • "Lend me your power, and we need not fight."
  • "I understand your opinion. I just don't care about it." *
  • "Hmm... An Intriguing form. But no worthy vessel for a soul." (facing Ultron Omega)
  • "Your role is finished. Mistress Death will be most happy." (to Thanos?)

Quotes with * indicate winning quotes in Vampire Savior


Basic moves

  • Die!
  • Kneel!
  • Fool!
  • Rip apart!

Iro Spinta

  • Eviscerate!

Falce Inizio

  • Annoying!
  • Begone!

Falce Primordiale

Flying toward enemy

  • Shall we dance?
  • Where are you going?

Move connects

  • I love watching you writhe!
  • The last bit of life is released from you!

Sangue Sacrifale

Initial movement

  • Come here!

Slashing bubble

  • Destroy!
  • Be consumed!

Dolore Oscuro

  • Gouge!

Turbinee Dell'Ira

Finale Rosso

Initial movement

  • Welcome to the banquet of the abyss!
  • Be engulfed by the darkness!

Move ends

  • Did you enjoy that?
  • How was that?

Spirale Infernale

  • You cannot withstand this!

Provi de Servo/Sigillo del Servo

Initial movement

  • Surrender your life to me!
  • Your burdened soul are mine!

Move connects

  • Every path has its end!

Move ends

  • The contract is complete!
  • I shall put your affairs in order.


  • "You shall live on as part of me...*hysterical laughter*"

Victory Text

  • "With your knowledge, surely you must understand the void of your world? Or is it that you are the void?"
  • "You have served your purpose, little cog. The machine can grind on without you."
  • "Born of chaotic darkness, creatio ex nihilo, yet I awoke, achieved "logos endiathetos," and conducted a symphony of death. What does your defiance mean to me?"
  • "Worry not; your planet, your galaxy make no difference to me. All will be granted the everlasting bliss of assimilation."
  • "Weep not for the passing of your world. In me are all forsaken realms preserved."
  • "Ugh, what a fool Sparda was... to leave such talent so bereft of knowledge." (to Dante)



Character quote pages
AnakarisBaby Bonnie HoodBishamonDeeDemitri MaximoffDonovan BaineFeliciaHsien-KoHuitzil
Jedah DohmaJon TalbainLilithLord RaptorMorrigan AenslandPyronQ-BeeRikuoSasquatch
Victor von Gerdenheim